The news of some shops opening will hopefully bring relief to Brits, giving us a glimmer of hope that a sense of normality is soon to return. The past few weeks have seen the return of IKEA and B&Q, to name just a few, aiming to boost the economy and encourage shoppers to return.
Understandably, we are all reluctant, after weeks of lockdown restrictions, to venture out whilst there is still risk. Shops are expected to go to adequate levels to restore consumer confidence and make us feel safe. As Primark becomes the latest store to open it’s doors to all 153 stores on 15th June, we take a look at what measures have been introduced to comply with social distancing guidelines.

Social Distancing Shopping
The images shown are of the Westfield store, but you can expect all Greater Manchester stores to follow suit and adopt similar standards.
Customers can expect:
Protection For Staff
- Every second till will be closed to give space between employees to socially distance
- Perspex screens on tills between employees and customers
- Optional use of PPE masks and gloves for employees
- Hand sanitiser stations for use by both staff and customers on the shop floor
Changes to Store
- Beauty testers are no longer available for customers to try
- Changes to returns to suit government guidelines
- No fitting rooms or customer toilets will be open for use
- No extra concessions or partner cafes will be open
- Extra floor signage to encourage distancing and direct customers to entrances or exits
- Store layouts have been changed to allow more space for customers to move around
- Encouragement for all shoppers to pay using card and contactless methods
- Social distanced queues, although no specific markers for the current 2m rule
- Deep cleaning every evening and increased story cleaning throughout the day
- Basket handles cleaned between every customer and wiped down
- Sanitising wipes available for customer use at the cashpoints
- Employees designated to manage social distancing and queues

Those who were hoping for some lockdown bargains may be left disappointed also, as Primark bosses have confirmed there will be no promotional offers and flash sales to entice consumers back to store. Primark will, however, remain at it’s current price point and offer it’s low cost clothing and homeware at affordable rates.
Primark CEO, Paul Marchant, said: “We have really missed our customers and we are delighted to be back on 15 June and able to provide them with the quality, affordable products they love from Primark.”
“While it might take a little longer to get into store, once inside, customers will find all their favourite Primark products and plenty of choice as usual. We have worked hard to make sure that clear signage and extra help will be there to guide them through the changes we have made to allow for social distancing. “We are also asking customers to respect the measures we have put in place to help ensure shopping at Primark is an enjoyable, safe experience for everyone.”