If you didn’t already have good enough reason to drop by the Beauty Hall in Selfridges then they’ve just given you one with the introduction of the Beauty Workshop.
Created to house those harder to find skincare and make-up brands, the Beauty Workshop boasts 50 new brands to Selfridges shelves and can be found at the Trafford Centre branch of the department store.

Selfridges have introduced the likes of Dr Roebuck the ‘clean’ beauty brands, Rita Hazan celebrity colourist as well as Korean beauty brand Skin 79. Cover FX have also launched in the Beauty Hall with their range of iconic beauty drops.
The Beauty Workshop is situated just to the left of the main beauty hall of the ground floor entrance.

GHD Beauty Hall
Whilst visiting the Beauty Hall we were treated to a complimentary treatment by GHD.
Part-tutorial, part-styling session, our GHD assistant showed us a trick to curling hair using straighteners (something not previously mastered). By wrapping the hair around the top end and pulling away until the hair is released, a natural wavy curl is formed.
The GHD plates on the Platinum Edition model are triple plated, designed to heat up extremely quickly.
Done away with adjusting temperature, the straighteners are set to heat to 220 degrees, something our assistant advised had been vigorously tested and proven to be the optimum temperature for curling or straightening hair.

Before heating the hair, the GHD Curl Hold Spray was used, made to give long-lasting curls without the usual thickness and stickiness of traditional hairsprays. Application was subtle, hair felt like there was no product in it but it still did the job and maintained curls for a couple of hours.
This is the before and after of our session to display the curls achieved using the Platinum Edition GHD’s.