The Customers
For every happy customer there will always be a counter unhappy one to balance things out. Whether they’re not believing you when you say there are no more in the back or unreasonably kicking off because they can’t return the dress they spilled red wine on, they’re there to test you and ensure your perma-fixed faux-smile never falters as you try to convince yourself the customer is always right.

The Tedious Replen

Tidying to the point of obsession, stocking and restocking the shelves can at best be described as tedious. As the minutes feel like hours on those dead days on the floor, the only thing to keep you busy is to tweak the rails to the point of perfection. From the perfectly space coat hangers to the pristine folded knitwear, you find yourself going to lengths of effort your own home could only dream of seeing.
The Uncoordinated Hours
Going one week of 40 hours and the next on 2 is enough to unsettle anyone relying on their job to support their life. The downside to retail is the uncertainty the hours can give, which when you’re studying or need flexible working can be a godsend but when you need a full time wage it just doesn’t cut the mustard.

The Informality

Unfortunately in any company a few bad eggs can spoil the bunch and retail tends to attract a few at times. It’s a given we’ve all been subject to a snarky supervisor set on dictating their power amongst the floor with their power to sway who gets nominated for ’employee of the week’ which incidentally has no reward. One thing no one will miss is being accosted at ungodly hours via text to cover Sharon’s shift as she’s rang in sick.
Stock Take
Staying late in a shopping mall may sound like the dream, but when the tills are shut and the bar scanners are out it can easily become your worst nightmare. Counting and recounting the same row of T Shirts dozens of times to input into a spreadsheet on a Friday night is no-ones idea of fun. Nothing can match the despair felt when hours of work is unravelled as you realise there’s been a miscount and you have to start all over again.